#397 – September 2024

I am guessing it is Friday.  Since I retired I’ve lost track of the days.  I think it is Friday because of the activity after a few quiet evenings.  There is the sound of children laughing and crying. The scent of an outdoor grill.  Suddenly a crowd cheers and there is a big “boom” indicating the local football team has scored. For a moment there is a silent shudder through the harvested Palouse hills. I think to myself, it is time to prepare the garden bed to plant garlic in the coming weeks.

A night photograph the full moon rising over the silhouette of harvested Palouse hills.
Pulling over/on a gravel road… autumn/only the moon knows

2 thoughts on “#397 – September 2024

  • September 22, 2024 at 5:31 pm

    I love the bright on a black background. Thanks.

  • September 22, 2024 at 5:34 pm

    Ah, the hazy moon of enlightenment!


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