Against a white sky
A Weeping Pussy Willow
Swipe of an ink brush
In a comment in my latest post, my friend Nicole congratulated me on the birth of my first grandchild. I am so happy for my daughter and son-in-law and their bringing a beautiful life into this world. I am grateful they are all home and resting.
I wrote the following haiku in response to the timing of my grandson’s birth and how practicing social distancing and the limitations created by the COVID19 pandemic has affected our culture. I did this after I was made aware of an artist project titled “Social Distance, Haiku and You.”
Grandson through pictures
Our sick dying all alone
An ache in the heart
Here is a link to the website:
Social Distance, Haiku and You
Another poignant juxtaposition…. Congratulations on your new baby! Gratitudes, ace