Water falls, #103


Flowers behind Bars

Melissa and I recently traveled to the Oregon Coast to spend a week with family at Tierra Del Mar (which in English translates to Land of the Ocean). The first night we stayed in Biggs Junction. On day two we stopped for a hike in the Columbia River Gorge. We hiked a five mile loop visiting many waterfalls and parts of the 2017 Eagle Creek fire.

I had driven through the Gorge on I-84 a few times since the fire. However, it was not until this trip on our drive home (we took Washington State Highway 14 which follows the north side of the Columbia River) that I was able to take in the immensity of the fire.

I wondered if I behave this way toward our natural resources and climate change? I hike (drive) in water daily: washing my face, making tea, cooking, showering, watering the garden. I use water, but do I see the immensity of my use? Do I realize how precious water is to my physical existence, allowing me to think, feel, and love?

I recall a Thich Nhat Hanh gatha I first noticed in Spanish. I know a few Spanish words and in this writing, agua, Tierra, and gratitud, caught my attention. I found the gatha later in Thich Nhat Hanh’s book, peace is every breath: a practice for our busy lives:

“Water Flows from high mountain sources.
Water runs deep in the Earth.
Miraculously, water comes to us.
I am filled with gratitude.” [1]


Spilling out freely water's sparkling gemstones I splash sleepy eyes

Spilling in my hands
water’s sparkling gemstones
I splash sleepy eyes

In a mist of blue above green waves of sea-foam charred water falls

In a mist of blue
above green waves of sea-foam
charred water falls


Photo Gallery: Water Falls -Columbia River gorge.

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[1] – Thich Nhat Hanh, peace is every breath, (HarperOne; Reprint Kindle edition, 2011), pg. 12

Spring Valley, #96


When he took me, the two-track was hardly visible. The grass was bending over the hood, as high as the windows of the Rambler. The shore was a rich dark brown scattered with white stones.

When I took her, the grasses were short and faded covered in dust from the gravel road. On our walk down the trail 1 collect discarded bottles, cans, wrappers, and bait containers, putting them a the bag that once held our sandwiches. The shore is ground to a fine dust.


“Pop,” the opening of a can echoes, loud voices follow.

She turns and says, “It’s okay Pops.”

Glassy lake surface
Splash! fish clutched-Osprey talons
Glassy lake surface



Waking from a daze 
dreamt I was a soaring bird
as I fly away

Mid May – Spring Flowers and Blooms, #94

And there are more flowers and blooms; There is the fragrance of deer and foxes, morning birdsong, and the buzzing of bees.


Sometime in the night
stuck! On an invisible path-
hanging by a thread


Lupine Frost

Frosted Lupine
in the camera window-
the Milky Way!


Did the startled fox
pause for a moment passing
the Triplet Lily?


Floribunda Crabapple

Pink and white abuzz-
dance between Crabapple blooms
vibrating fragrance


Today I’ll plant more flowers.
