Downtown, #73

I stop and take a photo of a couple sitting outside the coffee shop downtown.  It had just been snowing and I think to myself, “A snow-shower would have been a nice addition.” (It had been snowing during most of my walk).

I walk by their table and notice two Canon cameras and strike up a conversation.

The couple say they are out taking pictures for the day. We talk about the Palouse and I find out they are only here for a month, finishing some work at Washington State University, and have a desire to be back in the big city.

They notice my FUJIFILM X100S with its bent sunshade and scratches.  I instantly think of the many miles I’ve walked with it hanging from my shoulder and I wonder what bends and scratches their cameras will one day show?

As I get ready to leave there is an uncomfortable pause. I think because of the inability to shake hands, because of COVID. After it passes we share a slight head bow, smiles, and a friendly wave goodbye.

Turning in the night
my head finds the pillow
between dreams

2 thoughts on “Downtown, #73

  • February 14, 2021 at 6:14 pm

    Wonderful account of your encounter with the couple!

    • February 16, 2021 at 10:23 am

      Hello Bob,
      Glad you enjoyed this account of meeting the couple.  It was wonderful!


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