Late December, #143


water flow crossing
shy of the stone walk below
finds a spot to rest


Leaving the building after the photo shoot, I am not sure why I did it. It was spontaneous.
On the table a bowl of mints. 
The wrappers made a scraping sound as I shoved the handful of them into my coat pocket.

I walked back to the office and on arrival I removed my snow boots and hung my coat.
I sat down and proceeded to upload the photographs on the hard drive for a later edit.
I answered  a few emails and instant message requests.
I warmed up lunch.

Putting on my coat, I and headed out for walk downtown.
The snow still falling.
I came upon a person shoveling the walk.
Passing him I said, “Thank You.”
He said “What?”
I said, “Thank you for clearing the walk. Would you like a mint?” (I had just put my hand in my pocket and found them).
He said, “No.”
I pulled the mints out and held them in my hand.
A couple of the mints had red and green stripes.
He said, “I like candy canes.”
I held out my hand and he took one, thanking me.
We continued on our way to the scrapping sound of the shovel.


above the tree tops
in the tree shadows -raindrops
waxing and waining

One thought on “Late December, #143

  • January 11, 2022 at 9:25 am

    Love these photos and words!

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