Magnolias, #23

Image-Fragrance rings at dawn

While jogging on a sidewalk a young person approached me. As we got closer to each other the person stepped far to the side. I immediately recoiled before switching to a relaxed feeling of gratitude. The person nodded and I nodded in respect for each other’s safety, practicing social distancing.

There was a lot of data to intake about social distancing this week. Both in the world and decisions that need made about my job. I wondered what side of the fence I should be on. Stay at home or go out and keep the economy going? Both sides say the other lives in fear. I wonder if both sides fear the same thing? I ask myself, what is the best way to be while respecting the lives of all involved?

A hair in the tea
Showing and hiding itself
Tea cup in my hands

On my second visit to the arboretum in Moscow in two weeks, I find myself there on a cloudy day. Both times I started off my walk with the thought asking, “Why couldn’t it be sunny?” Maybe this is the photographer in me thinking there is always something that could be better. Or, maybe it is my capacity to want to be somewhere other than where I am. Today I was able to let that go and take in a few good photographs.

Fragrance sings at dawn
Birds among the tree blossoms
The clouds settle in

3 thoughts on “Magnolias, #23

  • April 26, 2020 at 6:40 pm

    Thumbs up good picture, good commentary. Thx

  • April 27, 2020 at 9:33 am

    Lovely picture! Liked your thoughts on social distancing.

  • April 27, 2020 at 10:14 am

    You routinely strike just the right notes with your images and words, Joe. Keep ’em coming, please. They are good medicine.


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