March 31st, #168

I enter my saved location (work) in Google Maps. It lets me know it will be a twenty-two minute drive. Google is unaware I intend to avoid the highway and take the airport loop, adding a few more minutes.

Before leaving I turn on the radio and sync my phone. What playlist today? Reggae, Rock (70’s), Classical Indian music, Blues, Baroque? Or maybe skip the music app altogether and try a station’s view of the morning news?

I go with Classical Indian Music.

25…35…45…50 mph

her many droplets
burn into the mountain

morning fog

I return to the highway. Drivers wrap around me like an itchy, but warm wool blanket.

50…45…35…25 mph

Google Maps lets me know I’ve arrived at my destination (work).

Right on time.

I turn the key.

over a babbling brook
without a quiver

2 thoughts on “March 31st, #168

  • April 4, 2022 at 9:40 am

    Wow, a little story to accompany today’s photos and haibun (Is that right?). Very nice, Joe.

    • April 6, 2022 at 8:28 pm

      Thank you, Donald. A haibun is prose combined with haiku. I’ve added photography to this haibun. A photo and haiku could be defined as a haiga. Haiga is the combination of imagery and haiku and are typically paintings accompanied by a haiku poem, and calligraphy.


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