It’s been a while since I’ve visited your site. Amazingly beautiful images and accompanying koans. Your own handwriting (I assume) is especially effective. I will visit more often. You should be more self-promoting and remind the circle of new postings.
In deep appreciation for your art,
Thank you, Nick, for the visit. It is good to hear from you. I appreciate your encouragement! And for your thoughts about the presentation and the art. I hope meet you here again soon!
Beautiful composition, Joe.
Thank you, dms.
It’s been a while since I’ve visited your site. Amazingly beautiful images and accompanying koans. Your own handwriting (I assume) is especially effective. I will visit more often. You should be more self-promoting and remind the circle of new postings.
In deep appreciation for your art,
Thank you, Nick, for the visit. It is good to hear from you. I appreciate your encouragement! And for your thoughts about the presentation and the art. I hope meet you here again soon!
I like the image of the clock — time marching 0n — and the leaves, suggesting time moving into fall. Thanks.
Time, one of my most pressing matters, I do enjoy nature’s slow movements as it marches on. Thanks!