Light in Dark

For the first time when the darkness of the long winter night became part of the morning walk, I continued to carry my camera to capture the light in dark. I pushed the camera to its limit setting the iso to 6400, the shutter and aperture to automatic, and let the camera capture the available light that the season offered. Please enjoy these selections:

Image - Moon Sun Fading
Moon Sun Fading
Image - Snow-Mountain, Summer's waters
Snow-Mountain, Summer’s waters
Image - Changing scene of winter
Changing scene of winter
Image - Moonlight to Moonlight, doing less, doing more
Moonlight to Moonlight, doing less, doing more
Image - Silence in action
Silence in action
Image - Morning walk in light
Morning walk in moonlight
Image - Before thought
Before thought
Image - Morning moon sun fading
Morning winter sun

This time of day came in silence with a flurry of activity of its own. A voice heard with no wind stirring.

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