Stone Bridge Crossing, #7

Cityscapes: Stone Bridge Crossing

There has been a lot going on this week at work, in the local community, and in our worldly ways that have left me feeling drained and tired. It is in these times I usually push back only to end up getting lost in all of the noise.

I recently read a blog post on silence where I found myself thinking, as I have in the past, that I can maintain a silence through all this and keep going. But I end up finding the energy misused and lost along with any possibilities.

But reading on about silence in the post, there was a recognition that when practicing, taking time to stop, take care, and rest, the attachment loosens. In taking this time to become unattached, there is an acceptance of things that begin to blur the lines of separation between them.

When rested and clear that energy becomes part of us, with no separation while participating at work, in the community, and the world, in a compassionate space of possibility. Silently.

Snow moon reflecting
Rushing river dewdrops cross
Stone bridge of grasses

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