River’s edge, #25

I am waking up after a morning nap. Cradled in my arms is my grandson, Rudy. I am holding him for the first time. The doctor gave the okay for close family visits with restrictions. I am freshly showered, in clean clothes and wearing a mask. Now Rudy wants Mom so I get up and begin work fixing a dishwasher. I go to the hardware store to purchase a part. I enter wearing a mask and receive help from a maskless sales clerk. Finishing my purchase I go to the hotel to shower again and put on clean clothes. Clean, I return to see my grandson with my mask in place. Idaho begins stage one reopening today. The traffic and crowds are proof, but on my travels home I see only one person wearing a protective mask. I wonder how stage one will finish and how stages two, three, and four will play out. I am grateful to experience the joy of visiting my grandson and would like to visit again, even if I need to shower and wear a mask. This reminds me, the mask is to protect others, not myself.

Mountain spring snowmelt
The river’s edge erodes, where
Bulbous Bluegrass sway

Magnolias, #23

Image-Fragrance rings at dawn

While jogging on a sidewalk a young person approached me. As we got closer to each other the person stepped far to the side. I immediately recoiled before switching to a relaxed feeling of gratitude. The person nodded and I nodded in respect for each other’s safety, practicing social distancing.

There was a lot of data to intake about social distancing this week. Both in the world and decisions that need made about my job. I wondered what side of the fence I should be on. Stay at home or go out and keep the economy going? Both sides say the other lives in fear. I wonder if both sides fear the same thing? I ask myself, what is the best way to be while respecting the lives of all involved?

A hair in the tea
Showing and hiding itself
Tea cup in my hands

On my second visit to the arboretum in Moscow in two weeks, I find myself there on a cloudy day. Both times I started off my walk with the thought asking, “Why couldn’t it be sunny?” Maybe this is the photographer in me thinking there is always something that could be better. Or, maybe it is my capacity to want to be somewhere other than where I am. Today I was able to let that go and take in a few good photographs.

Fragrance sings at dawn
Birds among the tree blossoms
The clouds settle in

Fish Trap Lake, #21

The trail was dry and dusty as we began our walk. It was not crowded, but the few people we saw did kick up dust that blew in the wind. We ran into a couple on horseback. One of them said they had been there many times and it was never windy, but whenever she came with her partner, it is always windy. It was good to know why the winds were blowing on this day!

Along the plateau we came across a few old ponds. At the second pond, among the many birds we heard the call of a Yellow-headed Blackbird. We spotted it on some reeds drinking or eating from the pond. Soon after our stop at the pond, we headed down toward the lake where there were many downed trees from a fire.

Across the trail lie
Dead trees fallen to the ground
Graciously giving

We found our way to a viewpoint over the lake. Ducks and waterfowl floated on wind swept waves. Others soared overhead with motionless wings carried by the wind. As we began our return along the lake, within the burned areas, we passed a number of young aspen groves.

From under charred ground
Reaching for the empty sky
Aspens shoot upward

Lunch Hour, #17

Putting the key into the ignition, I realize it has been seven days since I’ve driven. On State Route 270 the only car in sight is passing, we nod and share a wave. Arriving in town I take a walk on Main Street. It’s hard to believe it is a weekday lunch hour. I walk by two people and keeping our distance we nod and share a smile. I pause gazing up and down the street. Across the way there is the sudden sound of a door closing. The proprietor engages the lock.

Twist of a key ring
Echoes up and down the street…
A choir of bells 

Windy days, #15

The trail is dry and hard. I might think it is late summer if it were not for the cold gusts of a spring wind that makes me stumble off the trail finding something a dog left behind. Another gust of wind arrives and I stumble, almost stepping on small spring flowers. I arrive at a bench and sit, tighten the zipper of my coat, and place a hand in each pocket.

Cold Spring wind blowing
Tall grasses bend and shiver

Deep roots hold steady

Palouse Mountains and Buttes, #9

Moscow Mountain

A geologist once shared with me that the mountains and buttes in the Palouse region are the tips of granite mountains whose valleys were filled 6 to 17 million years ago by the eastern edge of the Columbia Basin flood basalts. Each peak is made up of the same material, but on my walks among them, I find each is unique.
I have walked all of the peeks pictured on this page except for Tomer Butte which I have circled on my bicycle. That route follows Lenville Road to the Genesee to Troy Road, and then returning along the Latah trail. It is a beautiful ride.
I photographed this series in the fall and winter of 2017.

Ancient granite peaks
grassy ruts in wind blown loess
look! a shooting star

Paradise Ridge
Steptoe Butte
Kamiak Butte
Tomer Butte
Bald Butte

Branches waters clouds
Mountain gifts for I to nest
Swallowing the moon

Stone Bridge Crossing, #7

Cityscapes: Stone Bridge Crossing

There has been a lot going on this week at work, in the local community, and in our worldly ways that have left me feeling drained and tired. It is in these times I usually push back only to end up getting lost in all of the noise.

I recently read a blog post on silence where I found myself thinking, as I have in the past, that I can maintain a silence through all this and keep going. But I end up finding the energy misused and lost along with any possibilities.

But reading on about silence in the post, there was a recognition that when practicing, taking time to stop, take care, and rest, the attachment loosens. In taking this time to become unattached, there is an acceptance of things that begin to blur the lines of separation between them.

When rested and clear that energy becomes part of us, with no separation while participating at work, in the community, and the world, in a compassionate space of possibility. Silently.

Snow moon reflecting
Rushing river dewdrops cross
Stone bridge of grasses

Passing Winter Breeze, #6

Mountains and Waters: Passing Winter Breeze

Cold temperatures have returned to the Palouse for the time being. My walk to the tea shop was much cooler today than the walk I took last week on my way to have tea with a friend. During our visit my friend shared something that made me think of intention. Afterwards I wasn’t so sure and asked myself, “What would it be like to take a photograph of intention?” So I set out to do the opposite of what I usually do. Rather then let the photograph come in the moment, I tried to intentionally take a photograph of “intention.” The week went by and I had not taken a single photograph. Finally I did take a photograph, but it wasn’t what I set out to do. The photograph I took happened in the moment when I stopped being intentional.

Looking up ‘intention’ in the dictionary I found these common words: purpose, goal, target, and aim. This to me was the opposite of my experience. When I made it a goal to get a picture, it didn’t happen, but when I let go of that intention on one of my walks later in the week, I was open to experience my surroundings.

During that same week I was considering a lifestyle change because of an offer I received at work. Because of this, my work day experience shifted. I stopped thinking of my future at work. I found myself focused during meetings and projects, helping and feeling gratitude for others rather than being concerned about a process or a perceived outcome of a project or task. There was a letting go of what I thought were my intentions, of goals and targets. Instead my ‘intention’ became an awareness of my actions with no goals or targets. For the first time in a while, I experienced a peaceful joy on the job.

Now I wonder, what possibilities did I miss last week that were right there with me when looking to photograph intention?

Fallen leaf floating
the frozen grasp of waters
Passing winter breeze
