Spring Valley, #96


When he took me, the two-track was hardly visible. The grass was bending over the hood, as high as the windows of the Rambler. The shore was a rich dark brown scattered with white stones.

When I took her, the grasses were short and faded covered in dust from the gravel road. On our walk down the trail 1 collect discarded bottles, cans, wrappers, and bait containers, putting them a the bag that once held our sandwiches. The shore is ground to a fine dust.


“Pop,” the opening of a can echoes, loud voices follow.

She turns and says, “It’s okay Pops.”

Glassy lake surface
Splash! fish clutched-Osprey talons
Glassy lake surface



Waking from a daze 
dreamt I was a soaring bird
as I fly away

Mid May – Spring Flowers and Blooms, #94

And there are more flowers and blooms; There is the fragrance of deer and foxes, morning birdsong, and the buzzing of bees.


Sometime in the night
stuck! On an invisible path-
hanging by a thread


Lupine Frost

Frosted Lupine
in the camera window-
the Milky Way!


Did the startled fox
pause for a moment passing
the Triplet Lily?


Floribunda Crabapple

Pink and white abuzz-
dance between Crabapple blooms
vibrating fragrance


Today I’ll plant more flowers.
