late summer flowers, #115


There is small patch of dry soil on the corner of 6th and Jackson streets. Two of its sides are boarded by a fence at the edge of a paved parking lot. The other two sides by the curve of the sidewalk. Because we have had little rain this patch of ground has gotten little water. The soil is as white and hard as the concrete that surrounds it. I would have paid little attention to it except for sprouting in the barely discernible crack between the sidewalk and the soil is an Indian Blanket whose blooms are saturated in reds and yellows. The Indian blanket is a drought hardy plant, but I was amazed that something so beautiful and vibrant could come from, in my view, the harsh conditions of the hard and dry soil.

while the day’s traffic
stops and goes to red and green

a silent witness



August Monthly Gallery:

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Chance Meeting, #49

I was working with a client for the first time in a couple of years on several photo shoots this past week. On Wednesday the client did not show up to one of the shoots, so I sent a text message to check in before proceeding. The return message was “Who [is this]?” After I sent another message I realized it was not my client. I found out their number had changed so I updated my address book to reflect this.

Two days later we were a half hour into another photo shoot and my client had not arrived. I sent a text to what I thought was the updated number only to get a response from the same other person, “You must really want to take my picture….”. They also mentioned about wanting to get a portrait with their dog. After a wonderful dialog (for which we both expressed appreciation) I found out we live across the state from each other: I in the Northwest, they in the Southeast. I texted that if I am down that way again (as I went through the area this summer on a state tour), I will send a message to arrange a time stop by and take their portrait!

Morning fall breeze
Acorns usher in the sound of rain…
A visitor stops at my feet!
